Technology is advancing so rapidly that it’s hard to keep up. The good news is that tools are becoming readily available to help make meeting planners’ and exhibitors’ jobs easier while revolutionizing the conference attendee experience. We’ve compiled a short list of our favorite emerging tech tools that will be trending in 2015:

1. Augmented Reality
You can now interact with brands like never before with augmented reality apps. It also helps brands too, as if they utilize something like these augmented reality app development services, they may be able to reach a wider audience, as well as making it considerably easier for customers to stop and explore their service in more depth. And this is just the start for augmented reality apps. Once downloaded, you simply take a picture of a static image, such as a conference bag, lanyard or program, and it will lead you to a video, virtual tour or additional message that the host can change in real time. The free app Fuze Viewer allows you to just hover your phone over an image to view the message in one, easy step.

2. Language Translation in Real-Time
When you have an event with an international audience it may be challenging to provide need-to-know information to every attendee due to a language barrier. Thanks to apps such as Google’s WordLens and Jibbigo, all conference content such as signs, menus, and voice-to-voice conversations can be instantly translated at the touch of a button. Using a specific translation app at an event prevents any disconnect your international attendees could feel and enables them to both receive information and to communicate more clearly during the event than ever before. If you’re looking for more ways to get your message across at events using groundbreaking AV production and technologies, you can learn here about what the likes of SmartWorks can do to really take things to the next level. Creative and cutting-edge solutions can be deployed for a truly showstopping presentation that will leave your brand in the memories of attendees for a long time to come.

3. Audience Interaction
Communication in the event world is no longer just one way – “attendees” are transitioning to “participants.” Conference speakers are not just speaking to an audience; they want to engage them by encouraging verbal feedback! New tools are emerging to facilitate this fun, two-way communication. Catch Box puts a microphone inside of a colorful foam box that can be tossed throughout the audience. Another cool new tool is Crowd Mics that turns everyone’s smartphone into wireless microphones for live events. This app also features audience response options like text commenting and polling.

4. Aerial Video
Drones at events? Crazy! Actually, having aerial video at your next event can provide an entirely new perspective for event photography. HD video cameras are hooked onto a remote controlled, multi-rotor helicopter and ?own above the event, giving an overhead view of an event instead of multiple video shots done on a tripod. This is a great way to showcase the sheer magnitude or overall awesomeness of your event!
Give us a call if you’d like to include any of these event technology trends at your next live event.