Meet Simone! Squirrel Moments at #TSE2012


Meet Simone!

Exhilarate’s newest team member! Why did we hire a squirrel as a brand ambassador? We are in fact a equal opportunity employer, yet Simone arrived at our door bearing us gifts- yes, they were nuts! She was exactly the right candidate for the job of representing us, the creative type of who we are and what our industry represents.

Learn more about Simone below in our YouTube video and her debut at The Special Event show in Tampa.


We’d love to hear about your squirrel moments! Look for us at #TSE2012 and meet Exhilarate’s brand Ambassador, Simone The Squirrel. She’ll be popping up everywhere and looking for interview you to hear your favorite Squirrel moment..


Be sure you tag your experience with her with #TSE2012Squirrel via Twitter and Facbook! We look forward to having a squirrel moment with you!.


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