Awards, Speaking, Spotlight Events & Squirrel. Oh My!

Can you feel the excitement in the air? 2011 was great, 2012 is shaping up to be even better. As thousands of event professionals are about to embark on a journey of creative showcases and educational sessions in our backyard of Tampa, Florida for The Special Event Show, Team Exhilarate is preparing to show up in full force. We have a full schedule this year, producing the spotlight event, four educational sessions, nominated for a Gala Award and plans for a fun promotional stunt. We are thrilled about these upcoming opportunities and ideas. We consider every event and project as an award winning endeavor. We take that approach in everything we do and excited about what we have in store for this next year!

Our Marketing Maven Michelle Bergstein is dominating the education realm with three amazing and diverse educational sessions. I am so impressed with how much energy and great content she comes up with every year to share with industry peers. This year adding to her repertoire of trends in marketing and social media she is spearheading a more personal side. In a session called “WoW MoMs” highlighting a cast of brilliant women event pro moms sharing tips, war stories and how to survive as a good mother in a business that is notorious for late hours and days on end away from home.

Kicking off the week, we are producing the Spotlight event on non-profit and fundraising. It is a creative spin on an Oprah’s talk show “Living Your Best Charitable Life” which is sure to deliver laughter, tears and free stuff. In addition my favorite wine pimp Tonya Valdez and I are presenting an educational session on tackling Food and Wine Festivals on Wednesday.

The trifecta on our TSE 2012 adventure is being nominated for a “Best Event Marketing” Gala Award.


The competition is tough in this category and it really is an honor just to be nominated with these other great marketing events. However, a matching bookend to our award win a few years back would be awesome.

Finally we are about to unleash a dynamic force of energy to the show, our newly appointed Director of Sales, Amy Colbert, is back in the game after a small break and is ready to take the industry by storm. Amy and special guest “Sir Squirrel Moment” will be out and about to make new friends and share a few laughs.


We hope to see you at The Special Event 2012.

If you can’t make it, come back to this blog after the show as we will be reporting on show highlights.


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