When you think of promoting your event through social media platforms, you usually think of Facebook, Twitter, and maybe even Instagram. Well – you are leaving out one of the big dogs – that is Snapchat. The white ghost has become one of the most-used social media platforms by all ages and demographics today. It has over 100 million daily active users worldwide, making it the fastest growing social app. Snapchat is a way to share live experiences virtually. The short 24-hour lifespan of the posts are what makes Snapchat unique and perfect for event marketing.
Millennials have used this social media platform to show their friends instantly where they are and with who. With this in mind, Snapchat has created geofilters to be used at your event. But what is a geofilter? Geofilters are illustrations or “filters” for “snapchatters” to use only at a certain location. When you take a “snap” you regularly swipe to add a filter to you photo. There you will find your personal geofilter created only for your event which will impress your guests in a fun and creative way.

To create a geofilter, you first need to login to your snapchat from a computer where you will design and submit for approval. After designing the filter, set the geofence. Use an appropriate coverage for your event, the smallest area it can cover is 20,000 which will cost you as little as $5. Set the day, time and location. Once that is done, submit and wait up 24 hours for Snapchat to approve your geofilter.
After the filter is finished running at your event, you can check out your metrics by going to the On-Demand Geofilter page. There you are able to see how many people used the filter and how many viewed it. This is an easy way to build a strong connection with your audience. It works great with weddings, festivals, conferences and tradeshows. What an exhilarating way to build awareness and excitement for a next event.

Looking for creative custom geofilter options for your next event? Our talented creative team can help! Contact us today.