One of our more recent events was a 60th anniversary party. In order to celebrate this accomplishment, we designed a colorful, eye-catching event that highlighted each decade during which the company had been in business.
Immediately upon entering the room, guests could stop by our 50’s diner bar for a welcoming cocktail. The rest of our decade-themed vignettes were organized on a flow so attendees could work their way around the room, decade by decade.
The centerpiece of our 60’s vignette was a VW van front, flanked on both sides by themed buffet tables where guests could grab a bite to eat.
Our 70’s themed area gave attendees the chance to feel like a Hollywood director, with a movie set photo opportunity. Vintage, lighted movie posters and popcorn box centerpieces completed the Hollywood-throwback feel of this vignette.
One of our most eye-catching vignettes, the 80’s themed area featured a huge, 3’x3’ Rubik’s Cube and an enormous boom box prop. Two vintage stand-up arcade games were available for guests to play. (No quarters needed!)
A chain-link fence decorated with posters and street signs welcomed guests to our 90’s vignette. Attendees were then encouraged to get daringly creative with a virtual graffiti wall.
Attendees would complete their journey through the decades with their arrival at the 00’s vignette. The centerpiece of this area was the selfie station, stocked with fun costume pieces and props, where guests could make a lasting memory of a wonderful night. To complete this decade theme, a DJ played music from all six decades throughout the night, encouraging guests to hit the dance floor and party the night away.
Sixty years as a company is an accomplishment that calls for celebration, and we really wanted to highlight the many eras during which our client was doing business. The colorful props, the wide variety of games and entertainment, and the feelings of nostalgia made this an event to be remembered.